
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 27

According to some books and websites, this week marks the beginning of the third trimester. I am still feeling great and the weight seems to be staying in the belly region. However, I did read that this trimester the weight gain distribution can change. Hopefully, for me, it doesn't. My hands are a bit swollen. I had to remove my rings this weekend.

Moose worked for over seven hours on Sunday and two hours on Monday sanding and painting a dresser/changing table we bought this past weekend. The glider was also purchased last weekend and it arrived today. Now we just need the babies. But we can wait at least eight more weeks for them to arrive.

This weekend, Moose and I are parting ways. He is heading up to Michigan to watch the Gopher/Wolverine game and catch up with some college friends. I am heading to Minnesota this weekend for a baby shower thrown by a very good friend, Kara.


Ann said...

Hi Benners!
We hope everything is going well and we'll be thinking about you in this last stretch of pregnancy! We can't wait to meet your little bundles of joy! Be sure to give us a jingle next time you're in GR~
Gary, Ann, and Samson

Nancy said...

Ann, Gary, and Sam,

Thanks for the well wishes! It is good to hear from you. The next time we will be in GR probably won't be until this summer due to school and lack of, well actually zero, vacation days after maternity leave. But when we do make it up there, you guys will definitely be on the places to visit list.

Take care!