
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 24

Nancy at 24 weeks and 21 pounds
We had our second ultra sound on October 3rd. The twins are each 1 pound 8 oz and are developing well with no major concerns. "Twin B" does have clubbing of both feet, which does run on the Foster side of the family. This is where the feet want to grow inwards instead of straight out. The little guy or girl will be needing some extra care starting from the first few days he or she is born to help correct this. Fortunately, the world leader in non-surgical correction of clubfeet, Dr. Ponseti, is in Iowa City (actually, the same hospital we had the ultra sound in). So, it was a matter of fate that we moved to Iowa! The following is a website by Dr. Ponseti about the Ponseti method for clubfeet correction. http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/medicaldepartments/orthopaedics/clubfeet/parents.html We were given printouts of some ultra sound pictures and did not receive any electronic copies this time to put on the blog.

Nancy's mom and dog, Franklin, graced us with their presence this past weekend. After some volunteer work Saturday morning spent landscaping and waterblasting, we went to Davenport to stock up on more baby supplies. Franklin and our cat, Magellen, actually got along okay this time with only minor altercations.

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