
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 28

Yesterday we had our third ultrasound at the University of Iowa hospital. The babies are weighing in around the 59th percentile. Baby A is 2lbs. 13oz. and Baby B is 2bls. 12oz. Baby A has turned and is now sitting on the cervix. Baby A was head down at the previous ultrasounds. Baby B is still laying across the upper portion of the belly. There is still time and hope for the babies to turn. We go back in 6 weeks (Dec. 13) for a final ultrasound. No expected arrival date was given.

This past weekend we had our first babies shower in Minnesota. As always, Kara was a gracious host. It was wonderful to see many faces and receive such generous gifts. Moose has already practiced installing the car seats in both vehicles.

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