
Monday, December 23, 2013

Benner/Lutz Christmas

When we moved back to Minnesota, we declared Christmas in Duluth.  It was lovely not having to load the kids and half the house up.  Instead, our family had "white-knuckle" drives to celebrate Christmas with us.  It snowed all day and into the evening.  Thank you to them for making the drive.  Merry Christmas!
Showing off their Christmas outfits.

Waiting for family.

Cheese!  We love Grandma Linda!

Drew enjoying a snack without the girls.

Drew and Kathy opening his gift.

He takes after his dad.  Must adorn everything he opens.

Jack is so happy about his gifts.

The Benner Six (6)

The Benners

Uncle Bear and Aunt Katie

The newlyweds, Papa and Grandma Linda.

Aunt Kathy, Uncle Robb, and the cutest nephew/cousin
and family favorite, Drew.

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