
Monday, September 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Fun

I am renewing my commitment to blogging!  My goal is to blog once a week about the happenings here in Iowa.  Life with the kids is getting easier with new challenges to overcome.  This week marks Moose's 32 birthday, the start of Jack and Will's educational career, and in less than a month, Sydnee and Allison will be 2!  To the life and times of the IA Benners...
Last weekend, Kent Coorporation (parent company of GPC) held a family weekend. 
We snapped this picture just before we left.  As we did, the battery was exhausted:)

Lately, our bathtub has been the hotspot on bath night. 
On one of those occasions, Jack and Will turned themselves into dolphins. 
How they came to that conclusion is beyond my imagination.

Jack and Will in their best Thor pose. 
The helmets are the lastest addition to the superhero collection.

This morning, while Moose was golfing, J & W were watching cartoons,
and I was baking, Sydnee and Allison were running races.

Us ladies got some new kicks today. 
Running shoes for me and obnoxiously cute Sketchers for the girls. 
All half off of clearance price!

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