
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Onto the shoes...

Yesterday, Will had his last set of casts removed. His legs look great and the doctor said the correction looks good. His feet were really sensitive to touch so getting his new shoes on was not a pleasant experience for him or mom. Moose and I parented in shifts last night due to the rightful increase in fussiness. Until June, Will has to wear the bar 23 hours a day. Then at his next appointment, the doctor will adjust the degree of the bar based on Will's needs. The nurse said the best thing we can do for him is to be consistent with how long he wears the bar. She said what often happens is as the time is reduced, parents become forgetful and run errands or go to grandma's without the bar. The bar is keeping his feet from turning inward again. So rest assured, Moose and I will be consistent with William. No more casts!


Uncle Rob said...


At least he's not ALL Moose because then you guys would have to special order the bar.

K and B Family said...

I can't believe how quickly he got out of the casts. That is fantastic!

They are getting so big. Time goes by way to fast when you have little ones.