
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mat time!

As the boys approach the two month mark, I decided it was time that they ventured a bit further than their deck chairs. So I got out the activity mat for them to lay on. Here are their reactions.

Jack and Will

We call this the "turtle."

Wide-eyed and ready to play.


Uncle Rob said...

There it is! The turtle!! Boo-Yah!
I miss my nephews and you guys too. I'm hoping to make another trip down in April.

Luannkay said...

Hi, guys. Luann here..This brings me back to all of us holding Robert and Richard while watching the Vikes back in the early 80s. These two adorable baby boys are absolute gifts from God. Wish we lived closer. I have got empty arms. Love you guys. Kiss the little ones for me. Luann