
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Last Days of Summer

Every Minnesotan knows to take advantage of every warm and sunny day as they are longed for throughout the cold days of winter, especially those of us who live in the Northland.  We left the house in disarray on these days and pressed our cheeks to the sun.

The start of our hike on the Superior Hiking Trail.

Moose making hiking sticks for everyone.

Brunch on the rocks.  Donuts on a Sunday morning.

This path was less traveled for a reason.  The base was loose rock. 
One else seemed to mind except me.  Weird.

Lunch on the rocks. 
We are going through a mass weapons phase.  We are constantly armed.

Moose was field testing for senior pictures.

Moose ascended the hillside.  He did great until he looked down.

On a rare 70 plus day, we headed to my favorite place in Duluth, Park Point Beach.  Swords were the weapon of choice for this outing.

Making our way to the sand.

Checking out the ships.  We spotted five large barges that day.

Another rare sighting, a Moose reading.

Yep, still in love.

They actually played well together for a long time.

Sisters united!

Digging their trench for the castle.

I love this girl.

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