
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Frozen Tundra Breeds Cabin Fever

After a great snowfall on the Sunday before Christmas, the Northland sunk into a deep freeze and the Benners went little stir-crazy.  Below are shots of pillow jungle.
All cushions and pillows off of the couch.

First rule of pillow jungle, no jumping on couches without cushions.  Jack can attest to that.

Will "pushing" Jack into the jungle.

They decided to jump together.



Sydnee forgot to jump.

Group shot.

They wanted to attempt another group jump with Allison.

Jack snuggling between his sisters ' as he opens his gift from Grandpa and Grandma Benner.

Will prefers to work alone.

This is what I found when I checked on the boys last night.  Reading in bed with there headlamps.

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