
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tall Ships Adventure

On Thursday, we had an errand to run in the morning so I thought we would go see if the Tall Ships had arrived in Port.   Every three years, tall ships make their way to the Duluth Port.  It is a big festival and draws thousands of people to the area.
We parked across from Fitger's and head out to the boardwalk to see one of the Tall Ships sail in.

Sisters chatting on the boardwalk.

Monkey see, monkey do.  I wanted a picture of all 4 with the ship in the background, but Will was the only one willing to take a picture until Sydnee came along and mimicked his pose.

Allison decided she should join in the picture too.

Looking out at the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial.

We watched this Tall Ship sail into port.

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