
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Break 2012

I received an early Christmas gift on Thursday, December 20 in the form of the blizzard they named Draco.  It rained hard Wednesday night and into Thursday morning leaving icy streets behind.  Therefore, school was cancelled for the day.  Around 10:00 that morning, the snow began to fly as the wind increased.  I can honestly say that I stayed in my pjs the entire day.  I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo while the kids played.  I did nothing around the house or anything for school.  It was heavenly.  On Friday, to a two-hour late start which was quickly charged to another "snow" day as many of the roads in Muscatine had not been cleared yet.  Those that were, had a thick layer of ice covering them.  The kids and I did venture out on Friday (the Minnesotan in me couldn't stay at home) to deliver plates of goodies to some dear teacher friends.  We also stopped in at Cindy's to open gifts from her and the kids at daycare.

On Saturday, we played out in the snow.  Let's just say getting 4 children dressed for the elements was somewhat of a challenge.  It took some convincing to the girls to suit up for the outdoors.
I brought down the boots that were in the upstairs closet.  Sydnee was not interested in any of them.

Allison let her dad do the bundling up.  She is definitely a "daddy's girl."

This is after about 10 minutes of coaxing.  She evidently was more concerned about her sunglasses than her boots.

Moose and the boys made a small hill in the driveway to test out their sleds.

Will being Will.

Sydnee eventually warmed up enough to the idea of going outside.  I think Moose had to get her boots on as well.

Jack on the Benner "luge" run.

The Benner boys.

Later in the afternoon, the boys went sledding for the first time.  They were awesome.  I took them on Christmas Eve.  They were so independent.  Jack shouted, "Watch out below!" as he cruised down the hill like a big kid.

Sledding hill at Geneva.

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