
Friday, July 20, 2012

Dentist Appointment

On Thursday all four kids went to the dentist.  It was a last minute reschedule and I figured since the girls have a mouthful of teeth too, why not!  I went in with low expectations and left feeling triumphant.  The girls stayed in their stroller because they need to be contained in public because once they are loose, they are next to impossible to corral.  Therefore, the boys were left to manage themselves through their appointments.  They were very cooperative and inquisitive with the staff.
Will and Jack had x-rays too.  Will hammed it up for the hygenist.
Allison and Sydnee stayed in their stroller while the dentist counted their teeth.

Will was an excellent listener during the appointment.
Jack wanted a play-by-play of the hygenist's moves.  He was a great participant.
Orange lunch. 
On numerous occasions I have subconsciencouly made monochromatic lunches. Today I decided to do it on purposeThe things you do to break up long, hot summer days.

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