
Friday, July 20, 2012

Dentist Appointment

On Thursday all four kids went to the dentist.  It was a last minute reschedule and I figured since the girls have a mouthful of teeth too, why not!  I went in with low expectations and left feeling triumphant.  The girls stayed in their stroller because they need to be contained in public because once they are loose, they are next to impossible to corral.  Therefore, the boys were left to manage themselves through their appointments.  They were very cooperative and inquisitive with the staff.
Will and Jack had x-rays too.  Will hammed it up for the hygenist.
Allison and Sydnee stayed in their stroller while the dentist counted their teeth.

Will was an excellent listener during the appointment.
Jack wanted a play-by-play of the hygenist's moves.  He was a great participant.
Orange lunch. 
On numerous occasions I have subconsciencouly made monochromatic lunches. Today I decided to do it on purposeThe things you do to break up long, hot summer days.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July on Pokegama Lake

We spent the week of the 4th at a house on Pokegama Lake in Grand Rapids.  We experienced all sides of Mother Nature- beautiful weather on a great lake, flooding causing a loss of 12 feet of shoreline (but providing plentiful fishing bait of worms/leeches/crawfish), and a thunderstorm that knocked out power for 2.5 days.

Grandma Linda, Papa Ken, Uncle Robb, Aunt Kathy and their baby boy, Andrew, spent the first few nights with us.  Eli, Jim & Michelle joined us later in the week and helped us wear out the kids (as well as Mom & Dad).  Grandma & Grandpa Benner spent time with us during the week, and even watched the kids for a night!  At the end of the week Uncle Bear Benner even got to stay and play.   Got in lots of swimming, fishing, boating, floating, s'mores and general soaking up the lake.
First arrival to the lake... dock is floating, shoreline a little dirty, but 4-year-old boys don't care

Mom with Jack and Aunt Kathy floating with Will

Jack teaching Sydnee how to fish

We caught a Whopper!

Sydnee loves her Cousin Andrew

So does Allison


Another day on the lake

Gary and Ann stopped by with their kids, we had a great time on the Rave trampoline.  Here our kids helped themselves to their dinner...

A short period of downtime.

We got the dock in and boats hooked up.

The boys LOVED jumping off the dock with Grandpa and Grandma

Kayaking with the boys

Jim and Big Girl Sydnee

Jim with the boys on Party Island

Floating Benner party

Kiddos on the swinging chair

Eli taking Jack for a swim "out to open sea"
This pretty much sums up the week