
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We were fortunate enough to spend Labor Day weekend with friends just outside of Ann Arbor, MI on Cavanaugh Lake at the Wiese family compound.  There were 16-18 adults and 8 children under three and a half.  Thanks to Eli for planning the weekend and to the Wiese family for your hospitality.
 The boys loved the "speed boat".

Will enjoying the waves. 

The girls were happy explorers around the house. 

We had great weather, except for a brief thunderstorm Saturday evening. 

Mom and Allison by the lake. 

The boys enjoyed noodle fights. 

Allison driving the pontoon boat. 

Jack's favorite dance move, "The Baller". 

Jack cuddling up with Amy and Anna. 

The boys with some much needed downtime. 

Hanging out. 

The group. 

Our first Smores.

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