
Friday, November 12, 2010

Family pictures

On Wednesday evening, Moose and I endured family pictures. While it was a bit stressful at times, we did get some good pictures of the family. Jack and Will were more interested in the props than smiling for the camera.

To view the photos, go to http://lsps.smugmug.com/. Scroll down and find our family. The password is twins. The photographer advised NOT to buy from the sight as the prices are higher than the order form she gave us.

Enjoy the pictures!


Adam and Liss said...

OMG Nancy!! These pictures are amazing!! You have the cutest family...I can't get over the girls in the swing...or the boys with the gumballs...or the family shots...they're all SOOOOO good. You could wallpaper your wall with amazing pictures. Can you tell I loved them!? :)

K and B Family said...


Erickson said...

Oh my gosh! What great pictures! You and Moose make such beautiful children!

Angie A said...

Nancy! Your family is absolutely beautiful!!! I LOVE the family pics, you children are adoreable.....I can't believe you have 2 sets of twins....you are amazing!

Miss you!
Angie (Clepper) Anderson