
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Arrival Update

Today we went to our last doctor's appointment. I am still not dilated and not having contractions. Therefore, on Friday morning, provided nothing happens between now and then, the doctor is going to break my water and see how things progress. We are going to try for a natural birth, as the babies are head down. However, if things do not progress in a reasonable amount of time, then I will have a C-section.

So, Friday (hopefully), September 24, 2010, the second set of Benner twins will arrive. We will post pictures and stats as soon as we can.


Katie and Bret said...

Yay!!! We can't wait to meet your new babies!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post! I am so excited for their arrival - I'm guessing two more boys! Good Luck - we'll be thinking about you guys.