
Monday, July 12, 2010

July 4th weekend

We spent the 4th in Grand Rapids, MN this year. Eli, Jim, and Michelle joined us for the first few days. We boated (thanks Jim and Michelle), beached, and played outside. Apparently, we had so much fun we forgot to take a lot of pictures.

Will's favorite new toy is a beach ball. Jack helped Moose mow the grass.
Jack and Will were sports about wearing their life jackets.

Family pictures are hard to take these days. On Monday, Gary and Ann took us out on the pontoon for the day.
Another attempt of a family photo. Brandon and Jess Jahn had some friends over on Saturday. The boys played some frisbee with the dogs while Moose and I caught up with some friends.

1 comment:

K and B Family said...

looks like a fun trip!