
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Grandma Linda's

The boys and I are on at the end of our 2nd annual "School's Out" roadtrip to Minnesota. They were good travelers on the way here and will hopefully return home the same. Please appreciate these pictures:) It took an unnecessary amount of work to get them up. Needless to say, don't tell her, but Grandma Linda might be getting a new camera for the next holiday. Continuing camera drama, our camera was found by the Parks and Rec. Dept. in Marquette. We should have our camera back by the end of the week.

Will and Frankie had a common link, a ball. The only catch was that Will wouldn't throw it to Frankie. Will figured out how to sit on steps.
Jack enjoyed Grandma Linda's comfort the past couple of days as a back tooth came in.
Jack also spent some time driving this weekend.

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