
Monday, May 19, 2008

First MN trip

This past weekend we made the 5 1/2 hour journey with Will and Jack for the first time. The boys did a great on the way up and not too bad on the way home. It was a long time for them to be in their carseats. Moose and I were even getting antsy as our last road trip was at Thanksgiving.

On Saturday, my mom was gracious enough to host a wonderful open house of sorts for the boys. We got to see many friends and family that we hadn't seen in awhile and many were able to meet the boys for the first time.

Great-uncle Denny, cousin Sam, and Great-aunt Carol

Eli was in town on business. Tony and Moose with Will.

Cory and Sara enjoying a
sleeping baby.

The grandparents have that magical touch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Benner Bunch! It was so nice to see you last weekend -- the boys are getting big fast. Reese LOVES to talk about Will and Jackie (heh, heh!) We'll have to get the kids together when you come to town in July!