
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Will's hot tub

This morning, Will went to see the legendary Dr. Ponsetti for his fourth casting. Before each new cast, we need to soak the old ones for about 15 minutes to soften them up for removal. Today was also the first day that the boys were separated. Rich took Will to the appointment and I stayed home with Jack.

Uncle Robb & Aunt Kathrine

Robb was home on a 10 day leave from Kosovo and was able to spend some quality time with his nephews.

Robb did a lot of baby holding while he was here.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Week 2 pictures

Here are some more pictures of Jack and Will.

We are learning to sleep in the crib.

Jack in his thinking pose.

Will is checking something out.

Our first outing

Since the boys arrived, they have only left the house for doctor appointments due to the Arctic like temperatures we have had in tropical Muscatine. Therefore, when the temperature reached 36 degrees today, we decided to take a family walk along the river front.
We love the Snap-N-Go stroller!
Walking path along Mississippi River in downtown Muscatine.
Grandpa taking his turn at the helm of the stroller!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Family is home (Will right, Jack left)
Jack hungry for Will's arm
Jack getting some sun
Will napping
Their first fight (Jack left)
Grandma and Jack

Grandpa and Will


Hangin' out with the boys

Jack (top)

Will left

Thursday, January 17, 2008

And the winner is...

Brian Harden!!!
Here are the results of the friendly wager (click to expand):

Brian had both sexes correct and tied for the closest weight to William and received 60 points; edging out Uncle Brett who had the closest time of birth and sex of Jack (55 points).

Rich, AKA, "Dad" was purposefully forgiving to all other players with his wagers and was the only one not to receive any points.

Brian, your prize is in the mail!

Thanks to everyone for taking part.

Friday, January 11, 2008

They're Here!

The Benner Babies have arrived!

Jackson Foster
Born: 1/11/08 @ 8:21am
Weight: 5 lbs 12 oz
Length: 19"

William David
Born: 1/11/08 @ 8:22am
Weight: 5 lbs 5 oz
Length: 18"

Mom, Dad & babies are doing GREAT!

Will and Jack sortly after arrival.

Proud Grandma Linda

The Benner's cozy in their room.

William and Jackson's Big Debut

More Pics of the Boys

The Benner Family.
Mom and the boys.
Will and Jack.



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Week 38

Well, here we are, exactly two weeks from our original due date preparing for the arrival of the babies tomorrow. It has been a wonderful pregnancy journey. While we are excited and relieved to know when the babes will be arriving, I am curious as to how long the pregnancy would go if we let nature take its course.

I have been home since Tuesday afternoon doing some last minute errands and making some phone calls. As I type this, Grandma Linda is on her way down. She will be followed by Grandpa Blair and Grandma Irma on the 19th. We are looking forward to having them here to guide and encourage us as we figure out how to take care of the babies.

We will be at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City until Monday sometime. If you would like to visit us, please call Labor & Delivery first at 800.637.2942 ext. 3576.

Friday, January 4, 2008

January 11, 2008

Yesterday we went to the bi-weekly non-stress test and to our weekly appointment with the doctor. At the non-stress test we had an ultrasound to determine the position of the babies. Baby A is still breech and Baby B is still transverse. We took this information to our doctor and after determining that I am still not dilated, she scheduled us for a C-section. The official date of the arrival of the next generation of Benner twins is Friday, January 11, 2008. The C-section will be performed at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City at 8:00 a.m.

At the beginning of this pregnancy I would have never guessed that I would be so excited to have a C-section. It definitely gave us a sense of relief, yesterday, knowing when they will be arriving (provided nothing happens between now and then). I have decided that my last day at school is going to be Tuesday morning as I have two appointments in the afternoon. I will be heading back to Madison on Monday, March 24.