
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ultrasound update

Today was the day for doctor appointments. First, was the final ultrasound at University Hospital in Iowa City. Baby A has returned to its original position of being head down and is weighing in at 5 pounds, 5 ounces. Baby B is still transverse across the top portion of the belly. Its head is on the left side with its feet on the right. It was nice to find out what exactly the bulges of the belly were:) Baby B is weighing in at 5 pounds even. I am respectively weighing in at 169 pounds.

The second appointment was the weekly check-up. Everything is still intact with no contractions. So the babies may cook a little longer than expected. There has been no talk of moving the due date up.

The final appointment of the day was the non-stress test. They were able to get me in today instead of tomorrow saving a trip to Iowa City:) The non-stress test was uneventful, which is a good thing. The heartbeats were all over the place again but did seem to be closer together than previous tests. I am sticking with my original hunch of one boy and one girl.

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