
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weeks 19 & 20


We had the ultrasound on September 4th, and guess what... TWO BABIES! We were both immediately shocked and ecstatic. As soon as the first image came into view you could definitely see two babies movin' and groovin'. The radiologist even had some trouble getting steady pictures because the babies kept bouncing around.

Twin 'A' (right) & Twin 'B' (left)

Profile of Twin 'B'

Head of Twin 'B'

Head of Twin 'A'

Legs of Twin 'A'

We knew things were going to change with one baby, now with two there seems to be so much more to do (including changing the title of this site to "Benner Babies Blog"). We need to think of everything in terms of doubles now, but the good news is twice the babies, means twice the fun!

We were told they are most likely fraternal and not identical twins since they are in their own membranes. In case you're also wondering, we did not (and do not plan to) find out the sex of either baby.

Besides that surprise, things are going great here. Rich celebrated his 27th birthday on September 3rd. We had a great Labor Day and had a group of our friends come down from Minnesota for the weekend. The weather blessed us all weekend for golf, grilling, field-goal kicking and lawn games.

Seth Nelson and his fiance Nikki blessed us with a fantastic "layered baby cake" decorated with diapers, blankets, bottles and stuffed animals.
Nancy's classroom is going very well. She has a group of 16 first-graders who she loves. Nothing but good reports so far.
That's it for now. We will continue to post updates on what is now tracking the adventures of two little ones.


Lori, friend of Grandma Linda said...

I work with your mom, and met you when you had just found out you were pregnant. Well, Grandma is so excited! She left a voice mail for me last night and was giddy with happiness that you are having twins! Seems it skips a generation. Congrats, and enjoy the attention you are getting, soon it will all be focused on the two little ones.

carol peters said...

Nancy & Rich,

Congratulations!! We are so happy for you both, although Orv says now that your having twins he would like you to reconsider naming one Orville if it's a boy or Orvilla if its a girl...You don't have to decide right away just think about it for a bit. Anyway again we wish you huge congratulations! Your going to be awesome parents.
Carol, Orv, Sammy and Tyler

Erickson said...

Whoa!!! I'm in total shock!!! Did you ever think you'd have twins?! It's so foreign to me, but I suppose it's not out of the ordinary for you with Rich being a twin. HOW EXCITING! I'm happy and scared for you! I wish you the best.......we'll be praying for you and your two little ones!!!
Congratulations......and congratulations!!!!

ps...Ben and Rich share the same birthday...just two years apart!

-Kristine & Co.