
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Week 21

Nancy at 21 Weeks and 18 lbs

Today we went to see Dr. Patrick to check in with her in regards to the twins. She checked my weight and my size again and said that I wasn't measuring big. She listened to both babies' heartbeats and they were both good. On October 3rd we will be going to the University Hospital in Iowa City to have a Level 2 ultrasound done on the twins. A Level 2 ultrasound will give us more details on the twins' health and development. She also said I was okay to work until they are born unless she puts me on bed rest. I really hope that does not happen. I have the best first grade class I will ever have. I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

Moose was very busy this past weekend. He painted the nursery, some furniture, and other odds and ends for the nursery. We also ordered cribs; two Emily mini cribs. We realized that we need to start getting things ready sooner rather than later with the reality that the babies could be here around Christmas time.


K and B Family said...

OMG....You are too cute for words. Love the nursery....Kara

K and B Family said...

I voted 2 boys....You'll have your hands full!! Kara

shelly said...

Nancy and Rich--CONGRATULATIONS Todd and I could not be happier for you. Nancy you look adorable. I am voting for a boy and girl so you can have the perfect family. You will be so busy that you will need one of each!
Twins run in our family too. So who knows! Nancy wouldn't that be funny if Tara had twins too! Love you lots.

shelly said...

Nancy and Rich Todd and I could not be happier for you two. Nancy you look adorable! I am voting for a boy and girl then you will have the perfect family. Lord knows you will be really busy FOREVER!!!!! Love you lots
