
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week 11

We headed to the Twin Cities for Dave and Diana Jorris's wedding reception... and a little shopping with Grandma Linda. Nancy's belly is just starting to grow so we picked out some Gap maternity clothes, as well as a few essential baby outfits.


Tara said...

There is nothing this baby won't have with G-ma Linda doing all the shopping. Save some shopping for me!

Aunt Kathy said...

Nancy and Rich I am so excited for both of you and the expected Benner Baby. I have a perfect high chair for you. It even has experience with babies. It has been used by two generations of the family and hope to be used by #3. Yes It was used by your Dad and Uncle Denny and then by your family and mine too and some little ones in between too. I'll clean it up and get it to you soon.