
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Drew turns 2!

On Saturday we spent the day with Drew as he turns two on Tuesday.
Lunch with Drew.
Sydnee loves her some Drew.

After lunch we went to the Minnesota Children's Museum.  It is by far the best children's museum we have been to.  I can't wait to go back this summer.

Mall of America

We spent Friday afternoon at the Mall of America.  It was an absolute blast.  It was a glimpse of the fun we can and will have as a family in the years to come.
Ready for the ride to the MOA.

Our first stop was LEGOLAND.  The boys were amazed by it all.  We will be going back.

Waiting in line for the Sponge Bob jumping house.

The girls love the carousel.

Sisterly love.

Together on the Swiper ride.  Lots of laughs and screaming!

It was fun to watch Jack and Will ride together.

Allison had to try the motorcycle just like brothers.

Great Lakes Aquarium

We spent an afternoon at the Great Lakes Aquarium.  Thanks to Papa for the family pass. 

My little otters.

Voracious bear.

Winter Fun

These are a few random events that happened this winter.

Jim and Michelle came up for the afternoon and
we went rock climbing for the first time. 

We love the Duluth Children's Museum.

Hermantown in doing a reading incentive program. 
The boys earned a free meal at Applebee's.

One cold Sunday afternoon, I took the boys rollerskating. 
They are naturals.

Spirit Mountain

The last weekend in March, we took the boys skiing.  They did great.  We are all looking forward to going many more times next year.
Who doesn't need a little ice cream after a day of skiing?

Waiting for ski lessons.

Las Vegas

Moose and I took a quick trip to Las Vegas in early March.  My very best friend Tara met us there from Arizona.  We spent the days walking, shopping, gambling, people watching, and indulging in adult beverages.  Thanks to Grandma Linda for taking care of the kiddos.

Snow Days

These are a few snapshots of the various snow days we had this winter.
Jack and Will "swimming" in the bathtub.

It's Spring!

Crazy amounts of snow in April.

Momma's snow bunnies.

Someone is always in costume.

All in One

This picture is all encompassing of Jack and Will.  They are playing the Wii while decked out in superhero accessories.

Two Harbors Tourney

This season the boys had their first out of town tourney in Two Harbors.  We went up early Saturday morning for the first game.  The team had lunch together at Blackwoods and spent the evening swimming.