
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

 Over night, our house was not only visited by Santa, but the Tooth Fairy as well.  Will lost another tooth yesterday and immediately put it under his pillow.  Three of the four kids were up around 6:00.  Sydnee needed some convincing from her dad to join us downstairs.

Jack and Will found their scooters right away.

Allison and her new Biscuit book.

Sydnee was happy that she got one too.

Will investigating his stocking.

Jack and his bubble tape.

With some help, Moose got to open a few presents too.

They are going to love this more than we are
(65 pieces of Transformer fun).

The girls doing some teamwork to open their Doc McStuffins kit.

Their best TMNT pose.

She loves her Steppers.
Allison really likes her Steppers and her headlamp.

One of my favorite gifts.

 After lunch we headed outside to explore the lake.  Giant fluffy flakes had fallen all morning and the snow was soft and deep.  The temperature was perfect for a winter wonderland adventure.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

This morning the kids were up early (6:30ish).  They were on a self-directed mission to find Allison's slippers.  It was cute listening to them work together to find them.  Sydnee was the leader.  In the end, Rich set it up so that Will was the one who found them.  Then I left for a workout and a little shopping at Old Navy.  Strange I know, but I had a ton of Rewards from my Gap card and a great coupon for Old Navy.  Plus, their prices were crazy.  Meanwhile, Moose cleared the deck of snow and the boys played outside for awhile.  After lunch we watched Despicable Me 2.

Then the preparation started.  Now that the kids are a little older and it seems to be more manageable, we thought we would attempt to attend a Christmas service.  We went to Grace Lutheran in Hermantown this afternoon.  I had an idea of what I wanted the kids to wear.  I was 0/4.  At least Will put on a "handsome" shirt.  We made it to the service and lasted until the offering.  After at least 4 trips to the bathroom, it was time to go, literally.
Allison, Sydnee, Jack (minus a front tooth), and Will
ready for church.

Will being Will.

Sisterly love.
 After church, the kids put on a "show" with their stuffed animals.  This year's theme was "A Star Wars Christmas."

Sydnee and her best ninja for Charades.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Benner/Lutz Christmas

When we moved back to Minnesota, we declared Christmas in Duluth.  It was lovely not having to load the kids and half the house up.  Instead, our family had "white-knuckle" drives to celebrate Christmas with us.  It snowed all day and into the evening.  Thank you to them for making the drive.  Merry Christmas!
Showing off their Christmas outfits.

Waiting for family.

Cheese!  We love Grandma Linda!

Drew enjoying a snack without the girls.

Drew and Kathy opening his gift.

He takes after his dad.  Must adorn everything he opens.

Jack is so happy about his gifts.

The Benner Six (6)

The Benners

Uncle Bear and Aunt Katie

The newlyweds, Papa and Grandma Linda.

Aunt Kathy, Uncle Robb, and the cutest nephew/cousin
and family favorite, Drew.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christams Concert

Last Monday, Jack and Will had their Christmas concert.  I am so happy that I was able to go.  When they both walked out on stage, they were searching for me.  Once they found me, you could see them instantly relax.  It was a great mommy moment.

The morning of the concert.

Jack came onto to the stage first.  He was searching.

William getting ready to sing.

Yesterday, Jim and Michelle visited for the day.  Jim brought his ice fishing gear and the men spent the afternoon on the lake.  Lots of "man talk" took place in the fish house.

Meanwhile inside, Michelle and I whipped up some sugar cookie dough.  We frosted a few before they left.  As always, someone was in costume as we decorated the cookies.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Treats & a Tree

On one of our snow days last week, we made truffles.  The kids helped my crush the Oreos.  Jack deemed himself a professional cookie smasher by the end of it.

In case you missed it, our kids love to dress up. 
Jack was pulling Will on indoor water skis.
On Saturday, after a few attempts to see Santa at Fitger's, we caved in and stopped at Menards to buy a tree.  We usually go to a tree farm and cut one down, but the subzero temperatures prevented that from happening.

Moose assisting Will hanging ornaments.

Jack's new move, giving bunny ears.

Sydnee trimming the tree.

Everyone helped hang ornaments. 

Jack and Sydnee dancing to some Christmas music.

Jack putting the star atop the tree.

Admiring the tree.