
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas at Home

We had our Christmas with the boys a weekend early as we are heading up to Minnesota this week.

Jack and Will posing in front of the tree, but not for long

Jack is excited for Santa!


Making cookies for Santa in our new Christmas jammies (Will would NOT wear his pants).

Dad and Jack before stockings.

Opening stockings.

Jack opening gifts.

Playing with their new Gopher hockey sticks.


Jack getting into his new cleaning kit- they love to "clean".

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa's helpers

Last night while the snow was falling, we decorated our Christmas tree. Our approach this year was much different than in years past. Only one strand of lights made it safely onto the tree and about half of the ornaments. Jack and Will really enjoyed handing/throwing us the ornaments.

Thanksgiving 2009

This year Rob and Katie hosted Thanksgiving at their home in Crystal. Jack and Will climbed the stairs countless times hoping for a glimpse of a kitty.
Moose and Will at the Holidazzle Parade on Nicolett Mall in Minneapolis.

Grandpa reading Go, Dog, Go!

The aftermath of Jack's Thanksgiving meal.
Will loves to wear Daddy's hat.
Jack getting in on the hat action.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sock Hands

Around 7:00 or so, the boys like to take their socks off for the evening. We thought it would be funny to put the socks on their hands. Now they request it.


Waiting for the Trick or Treaters. They liked watching for the kids, but got scared when they came to the door.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Kids

We're starting them early with their chores.Waiting for dad to come home.

Our new favorite spot, the couch.Today we went to the Buffalo Pumpkin Patch. We took a hayride out to the patch and picked our pumpkins.
Will nativaging his way through the pumpkin vines.
Jack and I staying out of the mud.Mmm, corn.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall fun

It is no secret that little boys like to run around with their shirts off. Every evening around 7, the boys start tugging at their shirts. This evening Jack was pulling Will in the wagon. Last week it rained for several days. The boys enjoyed wearing their rain jackets.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Uncle Rob's Wedding

We attended Rob (Rich's brother) and Katie's wedding this past weekend. It was a perfect weekend full of family and friends, and it was great to see the two of them so happy. A BIG THANK YOU to Grandma Linda for taking care of the boys!
The bride and groom serving breakfast at their house.

Sisters. Uncle Rob giving Will a ride in the backyard.

Jack getting kisses through the glass.
The Benner's at the rehearsal dinner.
Jack and Will showing off their suits with Grandma Linda at the pre-reception cocktail hour.
Will found an (empty) beer can.
The dashing groom.
The happy couple.