
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Set, Hut

Jack in his blitzing linebacker stance with intimidating glare.

Will being tackled by the blanket.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New tricks

Will has been rolling over for a few weeks now. He is holding his head up higher and getting his torso slightly off of the ground. Jack is sitting up on his own longer and longer each day.


Congratulations, Rob and Katie! Rob proposed Tuesday night at their apartment. Welcome to the family, Katie!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday morning

Will, the one legged wonder, hopping in the Johnny-jump-up. Will is rolling over from his back to his front and Jack is scooting on his back.
Moose and the boys enjoying some quality time on the floor.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The twins' first Twins game

On Sunday, we took the boys to their first Twins game. They had Twins apparel to wear courtesy of Uncle Rob and Aunt Katie. Our goal was to be circled by Bert Blyleven, an announcer for the Twins. Unfortunately, we did not achieve our goal. The boys did well until the noise level increased. Will especially did not like the cheering:(
Outside Rob and Katie's apartment in St. Paul.
Anxiously awaiting the start of the game. The aisle seats came in handy many times throughout the game.
The boys overlooking the crowd.

Wedding fun

One of the reasons we timed our Minnesota vacation around the Fourth of July was so we could attend the wedding of Jeff and Sandy at Majestic Oaks in Ham Lake, MN. Brett and Elizabeth were flying home for it and the rest of the Benner family was going to be in attendance. The boys stayed home with Grandma Linda. We received an excellent report from her when we returned from the wedding. Moose and I made the most of our guilt-free evening out. We knew the boys were being well taken care of:)
Blair and Irma enjoyed having all of their children together for one evening. They stayed until the end of the night and even had a dance.
The Benner kids and their significant others.
Moose and Blair sharing a toast to a good night.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July

Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Brett met Will and Jack for the first time this week. They are avid bloggers as well, but the real thing is so much better:)
Jack hanging out with Elizabeth.
Grandpa Blair and Grandma Irma were our "babysitters" for the week. They were very gracious with their time and energy. We were able to enjoy the lake and get some sleep this week. Thank you!
Will is modeling Uncle Rob's Superman cape. As the story goes, Rob wouldn't leave the house without his cape. Now it is time for the next generation of the Benner boys to wear the cape.
On Thursday and Friday, we spent most of the day at Brett's parents' house on Pokegama Lake.
Will and Moose are taking advantage of a photo opt.

Friday we took some family photos.

Moose and Brett reclaiming their Minnesota roots.

We also went tubing, once, for the first time in years.

Jack and Will liked swinging in the hammock.

Elizabeth extending her hip to hold Will.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First boat ride

On Tuesday evening, Gary and Ann invited us on a boat ride on Ann's parents' pontoon. It was a beautiful summer evening in Grand Rapids on Pokegama Lake.

Seth and Nikki held babies to give the parents a chance to eat.

Moose and Jack before feeding time.
Sam, Gary and Ann's oldest

Gary, Sam, Ann, Joe, Moose, Will, Nancy, and Jack

Grandma Linda

The latest picture of Grandma Linda and her boys. Now that is a "framer!"

Baby Clara

Welcome to the world, Clara! After the play date, we took the boys to meet Clara. She was born on May 29. Her parents are Shelly and Chris. Shelly and I went to the U of M together. Congratulations!

Just waking up

On Saturday morning, the boys woke up in wonderful moods. We took advantage of that and played around in bed for awhile before eating breatfast. They slept with us for either part of the night or the entire night as the pack-n-play is not big enough for both of them and Will is starting to roll over in his sleep which in turn wakes him up.