
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oceanside Beach

We enjoyed the fabulous weather and made numerous trips to and around the beaches at Oceanside.

The group making the walk to the beach.

See rock, climb rock.

Jack getting one of many pickyback rides from Aunt Elizabeth

Heaven for the girls.
There was a tunnel we walked through to access another beach, aptly named "Peaceful Beach" by Will

Boys posing

Kids Posing

Benner boys havin' fun

Allison enjoying herself.
Sydnee had a blast.

The Group
Family Photo

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Deck

Brett and Elizabeth secured the Anemone House in the tiny city of Oceanside.  The house was located on the ocean and our view was breathtaking.  We spent most of our time on the deck and therefore there are many, many pictures.  Here are some the best.

One of the best pictures of Jack on the trip.

The kids did their best to keep up with the Drumsticks as they melted and dripped everywhere.  Porter and Emma enjoyed cleaning up the deck afterward.

Jack relaxing with Uncle Bear.

Jack and Will took turns serving us a delicious tray of appetizers that Elizabeth had prepared.

On Thursday morning, the girls headed out to the deck on their own with shoes in tow.  They attempted to put them on by themselves.  It was very sweet.

The beach at Manzanita

We met up with our "team" as the boys called it, in Manzanita.  We dined at a delicious Mexican restaurant before going down to the beach.  When we got there, the kids went wild for the water and sand.  The cool water didn't stop them from getting soaked and thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Allison and Sydnee making their way to the ocean.

All four in the ocean.  They were so happy running around in the sand.

Rob & Katie, Brett & Elizabeth, and Emma & Porter on the beach at Manzanita.

Will and Jack "posing" in front of the ocean.

Elizabeth and Katie strolling on the beach.

As fast as Moose could write the kids' initials, JAWS, they erased it!

Heading to the coast

On Monday we packed up 10 people, 2 dogs, and 3 vehicles and headed to the Oregon Coast.  We made a pit stop in Canon Beach for the restrooms.  We stopped at an overlook to see the ocean. 
Sydnee has saying "cheese" down pat.

Sydnee and Allison getting a peek at the ocean for the first time.

Jack and Will posing in front of, to quote Will, "the beautiful view."

Sydnee, Allison, Jackson, and William with the Pacific Ocean at their backs.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Portland, OR

Our trip to Portland began on Friday, July 27 when we headed north to Rob and Katie's (aka Hotel Benner-Crystal).  Moose put in some long days prior to our trip and we were able to leave Muscatine mid-afternoon.  The boys were excellent van riders and enjoyed a continuous loop of 2 Batman episodes (Superheroes are the current craze.)    The girls haven't quite found their comfort zone in the van and thus were not happy riders.  When we arrived the kiddos went to bed and we enjoyed the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics and some refreshing beverages.

Allison and Sydnee watching for our plane.

The plane ride actually went pretty well.  Moose and I each had our moments with the girls but luckily we had understanding passengers near us.  Jack and Will charmed the women around them and Jack may be exchanging Christmas cards with a passenger named Michelle:)

On Saturday, July 28 we embarked on our westward adventure to visit Elizabeth and Brett.  To ensure that everyone was accounted for, we had flying partners.  Uncle Bear and Jack, Aunt Katie and Will, Nancy and Sydnee, and Moose and Allison. 

Katie took a picture of our arrival at PDX.
We met Brett and Elizabeth at baggage claim and headed to their house for the next two nights.
The girls made their way around E & B's amazing bungalow.

Will enjoying a fruity breakfast.

Family photo on the front steps
 On Sunday, we headed to the riverfront in downtown Portland for the annual Oregon Brew Fest. 
Cheers! The Benner boys at the Oregon Brew Fest.