
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our first play date

On Saturday, we went to Evan's house for our first play date. It was the first time all of the kids were together. They play so well with each other and the big kids were excited about the babies.
Easton, Teagan, Jack, Callie, Will, Reese, and Evan
Callie playing Peek-A-Boo with Jack and Will
Reese and Callie watching the boys
Easton tried on Moose's shoes
Callie and Easton playing with Jack

Thursday, June 26, 2008

More pictures from Father's Day weekend

Will hanging out.
Grandpa with the boys after their swim.
Grandma Irma and Jack
Uncle Rob and Jack

Moose opening his first Father's Day gift of a tool belt for himself and one for each boy and a gift card to Menards to buy some tools.

Recharging the batteries

Last weekend, I went home by myself to see some friends I haven't seen in about 4 years. I was fortunate to fly home (thanks to Emily for the ticket and to Brandon for the chauffer service) which made the trip that much more relaxing. Moose and the boys had some guy time and attended a barbecue. Me and the girls. Emily and Kara.
The boys. Mikey, Mike, and Ryan.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Grain Processing Corporation

Here is a photo of GPC, Moose's employer, taken on June 14. The plant is located on the Mississippi River. Thankfully, the banks were high enough to keep the water out

Hangin' out in the pool

Jack and Will holding hands.
On Saturday, the boys lounged in the pool for awhile. Will has been released of his shoes! He only has to wear them when he goes to bed. His feet look great! He loves having them free.

Father's Day Weekend

Grandpa, Grandma Irma, and Uncle Rob visited over Father's Day weekend. Their helping hands were graciously welcomed:) More pictures to come.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer fun

The boys are enjoying a summer afternoon on the front steps watching dad mow the grass.
Will has another moose in his life. He likes to suck on the antlers.
Jack is practicing his serious facial expressions for his senior pictures.

Jack's first dip in the kiddie pool while Will was napping.

Floor time

The boys are finally starting to "acknowledge" each other when they are laying on the floor.